Fill in the boxes to see how
much you can save

Select your Currency:

Farm size:

Current System

Use the drop-down boxes below to select the machinery passes you currently undertake on your farm.

For 1 whole pass enter 1, if you plough half the farm enter 0.5, if you subsoil 1 quarter of the farm enter 0.25 etc

Select your current system:

Enter your passes:


Select your current system:

Enter your passes:


Select your current system:

Enter your passes:


Select your current system:

Enter your passes:


Select your current system:

Enter your passes:


Select your current system:

Enter your passes:


Claydon System

If you use more than one system then use the drop-downs below ensuring you always fill in the passes for each system you use.

For 1 whole pass enter 1, if you plough half the farm enter 0.5, if you subsoil 1 quarter of the farm enter 0.25 etc

Select your Claydon Stubble Management:

Enter your passes:


Select your Claydon Seed Drill:

Enter your passes:


Select your Claydon Rolls:

Enter your passes:


Your Potential Savings

Annual saving:


3 Year saving:


5 Year saving:


Costs Per Acre

Current cost per acre:

Claydon cost per acre:

Total saving per acre:

Total Costs

Total cost (Current):

Total cost (Claydon):

Call 01440 820 327 or contact us for more information.